Sunday, February 23, 2025

Program by Priscilla on Soumak used in tapestry weaving


Great Afternoon and thank you Alice for the wonderful treats.  Sorry,
I ate mine too fast to take a picture. If anyone wants to share a recipe
I will put it on the recipe page. Wendy

Always lots of  fun things on our For Sale table.

Priscilla explaining Soumak weaving.

Priscilla brought lots of samples showing the use of Soumak with other weaves.

These are the books she recommends:

This one is out of print and very hard to find used.

Definitely a learning curve

Judy was learning to make loops to use with another technique.
That will be fun to see how she uses the loops.

Carla, a new member, made a very good attempt.

Show and Tell

Julie made a collage type runner with lots of quilting.

She also makes these bowls to put in the Muskegon Art
Museum store to sell.

All the fabric was ice dyed.  Julie has a knack for putting
the colors together.

Nancy discouraged us from trying the weaving technique
on the little round loom.  Turned out nice but took forever.

Nancy also made small postcards and a cartonnage book.
Information on cartonnage at the end.
Judy took a class from Ruth Crowe in Douglas where she used a laser printer and sanded
with sandpaper to make these small placques.

Marie put this collaged type Seagull on top of a canvas painting.
She used Wonder Under, then tracing cloth, and on top Misty Fuse.
She gently ironed the whole bird to the canvas.  She also felted the eye.

Susan tried weaving, a bit tricky. She made another quilt out of her
husband's wool shirts.  And the small art piece is from Quilt with a Cause.

Priscilla is putting imagery on fabric.  She uses Wonder Under on
canvas and felt. And then Quilts it.

Jennifer brought this binder with some of her experiments labeled. 
Her show 'n tell was about the discharge dyeing experiments that she has done. 
 The latest are with OUT White Brite which acts like bleach.

Jennifer also highly recommends these books.

Linda is learning to embroidery.  Wonderful flowers on the two shirts.

Cartonnage at Colorway Arts

                                                                        Grand Haven

I have taken several classes from Claudia, this is a very fun technique.
She does have a very nice store, but check hours before you go.
It is basically gluing fabric onto a heavy cardboard, she has kits,
free classes and online classes.  She also gives measurements if you want
to cut your own. Wendy

Linda Shared pictures of the Art Exhibit at the Denos Museum in Traverse City

She stayed at the Delamar and said it was very nice and close by.

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