Sunday, July 2, 2023

Summer Fun, Tea and lunch at Linda's House

We had so much fun just relaxing having hot tea, lots of desserts, little sandwiches, and other fun foods.
Sometimes it is just good to be with friends.
Thanks so much Linda.  Somehow she managed to get the weather to cooperate, find lots of tea pots and cups, make little sandwiches that were yummy, even a parking attendant to help.

These are Band Saw boxes that Linda and her husband made.

This is just one of the pieces of furniture that Linda and her husband have made.

Linda made all the Japanese windsocks.  Very special.

One of Linda's many water color paintings.

Fun little fountain.

Jelly roll race quilt that Linda made.

A proper tea with hats and dresses.

Just trying a little of everything, with a cookie in the center.

Sorry, I was having so much fun I forgot to take food pictures.

“One friend with whom you have a lot in common is better than three with whom you struggle to find things to talk about.”  

Mindy Kaling