Friday, September 7, 2018

Amazing Presentation About Peruvian Textiles

Margaret Jager, ChiChi VanDyke and Jeanne Hoin traveled to Peru intent on experiencing the traditional weaving, spinning, and dyeing of the native Peruvian people. They worked with artisans in native villages collecting dyestuffs, dyeing fiber, spinning, and weaving and then attended a conference, Tinkuy 2017, dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of the native textile arts. 

They brought back many examples of Peruvian textiles.  They also gave us a wonderful slide presentation of their trip and the people they met.  We really would have liked to see more slides, such an interesting culture.

Following are examples of the textiles, some ChiChi purchased in 1985 when she was there for a year.

The following pictures are from their slide show.  

Dressing in Native Costume

This is Nilda, author of the book,  Weaving in the Peruvian Highlands

Dyeing yarn to bring home

Drying the yarn, each person got a sample of 8 different colors.

Always a fun part of our meeting, snacks.
Vegetable pizza, fresh fruit and date balls all made by Barbara, our new hospitality person. Thanks so much Barbara.

Jeanne was a bit overwhelmed, as we presented her with a thank you book for being president for 6 years.

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